Agency Randomness Chaos

December 16, 2011 through January 14, 2012

Opening reception 6:00—9:00, December 16, 2011 

Closing reception 6:00—9:00, January 13, 2012

Gallery 303, Harris Fine Arts Center, BYU, Provo Utah

Agency Randomness Chaos is a sound installation examining our tendency and ability to make meaning. In an environment of random sounds and musical tones a series of performances and recorded interviews and music are presented. The juxtapositions invite the participant and observer to assign meaning—sometimes comic, sometimes poignant, sometimes supporting or opposing the expected meaning of the performances and interviews.

The interviews are themselves studies of finding meaning in unexpected or uncontrolled circumstances. A man whose mother is killed in a horrific traffic accident finds meaning in one way while a close friend who also tragically looses his mother comes to different conclusions. A woman’s understanding of herself is seriously challenged by the arrival of her second baby, a hoped-for daughter. A young woman of 17 is told by her mother that she should change her name. Another woman finds herself in a situation where she must challenge her culture’s expectations about her hair. 

There are a number of music performances scheduled to take place within the installation. If you’re interested in performing in the ARC installation let us know—we’d like to attend and we’ll put you on the calendar so that other people will know as well. We invite any kind of performance—musical, theatrical, poetry or prose readings—all will work. 

Structurally, the installation made from 24 speakers hanging in an arc across the back the gallery. Through most of the speakers are randomly broadcast a collection of sounds—musical tones, voices, samples and field recording—and periods of silence. The remaining speakers are dedicated to the interviews and recorded music. The broadcast of each speaker is independent of the others so there is essentially no possibility, while the installation is set up, for any 5 minutes of the sonic environment to be identical to any other 5 minutes.

Over the course of the installation updates and reports, possibly recordings, of performances will be here. Any questions can be directed to