Composer Neil Thornock was invited to write a piece to be performed in the ARC installation. Here’s what he has to say about his composition:

My work Ordre, composed to accompany Rob and Georgia Buchert's Agency Randomness Chaos, explores two ways of relating to the unordered but tightly confined soundscape of Rob's installation work.  On the one hand, Ordre seeks to establish itself as a more static soundfield with less surprise and fewer elements than the sound installation.  This is, of course, somewhat impossible in the sense that a live performer will always introduce infinite variation into every performance, be that variation ever so small; and yet the attempt is made.  This hopefully draws attention toward the dynamic aspects of an otherwise slowly revolving texture in ARC.

On the other hand, Ordre tries to disrupt the continuous (albeit patient) revolution of surprise in the installation by trying to be even less predictable and more violent in its "mood swings."  The challenge in this concept is to induce one sound source—a violin—into behaving more like a variety of sound sources, such as we hear in the sound installation.